Litigation Project

This Detroit incinerator is putting thousands’ health at risk

Nearly 22,000 Detroit residents live within a 1.5-mile radius of a solid waste incinerator that's spewing carbon monoxide and other hazardous air pollutants from its smokestack.

Clean air

Nearly 22,000 Detroit residents live within a 1.5-mile radius of a solid waste incinerator that’s spewing carbon monoxide and other hazardous air pollutants from its smokestack.

On Jan. 29, attorney’s from our national network’s legal team filed a formal notice of Clean Air Act violations to Detroit Renewable Power (DRP) and its corporate affiliate. Our notice alleges the incinerator owned and operated by the companies has violated emission limits for carbon monoxide more than 600 times over the past five years.

“This incinerator has blighted the surrounding neighborhoods for decades with noxious odors and harmful air pollutants,” said Nathan Murphy, state director of our network’s Michigan office, “Thirteen schools operate within that radius, with one playground just 1,300 feet away. We are preparing to do everything we can to hold this persistent polluter accountable and protect clean air.”

Read more here.

Photo: The solid waste incinerator in Detroit, Mich. Credit: Aaron Petcoff via Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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