To work well, solar panels need open space. The roofs and parking lots of Walmart’s vast big-box stores have that in spades.
That’s why Environment America Research & Policy Center is urging the nation’s biggest retailer to go big on solar, by putting panels on the roofs of nearly all of its more than 5,000 locations across the U.S. — and in the parking lots that surround them — by the year 2035. More than 13,000 supporters have joined our call for the retailer to take action.
“Walmart has built its reputation on getting customers what we need at reasonable prices. Now the company has a chance to enhance that reputation by moving to protect customers’ health and quality of life,” said Susan Rakov, chair of the 100% Renewable Energy Campaign at Environment America Research & Policy Center.
By going big on solar, Walmart could install solar capacity equivalent to the power consumed by more than 650,000 U.S. homes.
Photo: With current technology, putting solar panels on the roofs of the nation’s big-box stores could offset their electricity use by 42 percent. Credit: Walmart via Flickr, CC BY 2.0
In many communities, it can take days, weeks or even months to get a straightforward rooftop solar installation approved. It doesn't need to be this way.