Sarah Bucci
Environment Virginia
Environmental Groups Launch Virginia #ActsOnClimate
New Campaign to Showcase Local Clean Energy and Carbon Pollution Reduction Efforts across Commonwealth
Richmond, VA – In response to the findings of a new report, Moving America Forward, released last Thursday by the Environment Virginia Research & Policy Center, and increasing evidence of the need to reduce carbon pollution, a coalition of organizations is launching a local campaign, Virginia Acts on Climate.
The multi-month series will showcase areas in which local governments, businesses, and citizens are already taking action to curb their carbon pollution and invest in cleaner energy. The report found that while federal energy efficiency policies have helped Virginia avoid as much carbon pollution as 114,000 cars produce in a year, the state could be playing a much larger role in reducing its own carbon emissions. Virginia may not yet be known as a clean energy leader, but many municipalities are pursuing ambitious clean energy and carbon reduction goals, and should be applauded for their efforts.
“Across Virginia, there are civic leaders, citizens, businesses, and faith communities already implementing solutions to limit the carbon pollution that is dumped into our air,” said Rev. Richard Cizik, Board member of Virginia Interfaith Power and Light.
Through press conferences, news releases, and community events taking place through June, Virginia-based groups will showcase how their local governments and businesses are reducing emissions, and the benefits these actions have for local communities. Just last week, to release the new report Moving America Forward, Environment Virginia partnered with the City of Charlottesville and Fairfax County to showcase local government programs that promote energy efficiency and pollution reduction.
“We have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to address the carbon pollution that threatens our health, our communities, and our economy,” said Chelsea Harnish with the Virginia Conservation Network.
In Virginia, and across the country, power plants are the largest source of carbon pollution fueling climate change. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving forward with limits on the carbon pollution from new and existing power plants. A majority of Virginians agree that steps should be taken to cut carbon pollution from power plants, and to date over 150,000 public comments from Virginians, of the nearly 4 million nationwide, have been submitted to the EPA in support of these standards.
“It’s time for Richmond and Washington to act,” said Kate Addleson, Program Manager of the Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club. “Across the commonwealth local governments and citizens are doing their part to cut carbon pollution in order to achieve the necessary reductions to protect our public health and safety. State leaders can learn from their successes and vision. Protecting the environment is good for the economy and good for the health of our communities.”