Why I support Environment Washington
Cal Kinnear
Member, Environment Washington
I’ve always loved being on the water. When I was about 10 years old I started sailing on Lake Washington, and since then, I’ve familiarized myself with all of Puget Sound and the waters and islands up into Canada. Seeing the water, the islands, the forests fills my heart with love. I’m an old man now, and two years ago when I took a cruise from Vancouver up to Alaska and back, my heart was filled with that same love. I wouldn’t call myself an activist, but I feel most passionate about the environment when I’m reading poetry about the natural world and learning more about what we need to do to support it. I support Environment Washington because the climate emergency is the most important issue we’re faced with, and it’s quite clear that the world is going to be uninhabitable if we continue with all our practices that contribute to climate change.