Chris Connolly
Environment Washington
Seattle, WA – Yesterday, the Snohomish County Council unanimously passed a resolution committing the county to 100% clean, renewable energy. The resolution commits the county to a goal of 100% clean electricity by 2030 and 100% clean energy, sector-wide including transportation and other energy sectors, by 2045. In addition to its commitment, the County outlined a set of actions it will take to transition to clean energy, including creating a dedicated energy efficiency fund, adopting a green fleet policy for employee commuting, installing solar on county buildings, as well as adopting a green building policy.
The action makes Snohomish County the fifth local government in Washington State to commit to 100% clean energy, following on the heels of Edmonds, Whatcom County, Bellingham and Spokane.
Following is the statement of Environment Washington 100% Renewable Energy Organizer Chris Connolly:
“This action is evidence that communities across Washington are ready for 100% clean, renewable energy. Now, state leaders need to act by passing Washington’s 100% Clean Electricity bill (SB 5116/HB 1211), the Clean Building Bill (SB 5293/HB 1257) and the Appliance Efficiency Bill (SB 5115).
Environment Washington applauds the Snohomish County Council for their leadership on clean energy. In particular, we thank Council Vice Chair Nate Nehring for leading this effort and bringing the resolution forward.
Every day, we see more evidence that an economy powered by renewable energy is within our reach. But, to get there, we need local, state and federal leadership. Snohomish County, with this action, is showing the way and taking action for a clean energy future in Washington State.”
The action comes as a growing number of cities, states, corporations and institutions across the country consider commitments to 100 percent renewable energy. Over 100 cities have committed to 100 percent renewable energy, and 165 major companies have made a 100 percent renewable commitment, including Starbucks and Microsoft. Hawaii and California have committed to 100 percent renewable electricity by 2045. And, bills have been introduced in state legislatures in various states and in both houses of Congress.
Since 2008, Washington has increased wind production nearly four-fold and solar energy production 228 times, according to a new report released in December 2018 by Environment Washington Research & Policy Center.
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Environment Washington is a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization working for a cleaner, greener, healthier future.