Tracking progress in Olympia

Environment Washington priorities forge ahead.


Capitol building in Olympia
Ralph Wilfing |

On day 75 of a 105 day legislative session, we’re continuing to keep close tabs on the policies and priorities we’re advocating for this year. Read on for some of the highlights from this week:

  1. The Plastic Reduction Act (HB 1085) was unanimously voted out of the Senate Environment, Energy, & Technology committee.
  2. The Fair Repair Act (HB 1392), a bill that would help reduce e-waste by making it easier for Washingtonians to fix their own consumer electronics received a public hearing on Wednesday, 3/22(Hearing starts at 37 mins). The bill will need to be voted out of committee by Weds, 3/29 to continue advancing.
  3. The Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act passed out of the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology in a 5-3 vote. This bill would ban some of the most concerning chemicals put into cosmetic and personal care products, including PFASphthalatesformaldehyde, and formaldehyde releasing agents. It’s scheduled for a hearing in the Senate fiscal committee on 3/28. Please sign-in  “PRO” to show your support for HB 1047.
Pam Clough
Pam Clough

Former Advocate, Environment Washington


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