Media Contacts
Megan Severson
Ross Sherman
Wisconsin Environment
MADISON, Wisc. — Gov. Tony Evers announced Friday a goal of eliminating carbon-based electricity in Wisconsin by 2050. To meet that goal, Evers’ signed an executive order that creates the Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy, which will help coordinate stakeholders across the state, including local governments, utilities and businesses.
Megan Severson, Wisconsin Environment’s state director, issued the following statement:
“With this executive order, Gov. Evers is proving that where there’s a will to act on climate change, there are several ways. The carbon-free by 2050 goal, paired with the creation of the Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy, will clean up our air and water and address global warming. Wisconsin will not only become a healthier place to live, but it will also show other Midwestern states — and the country — a pathway to a clean energy future.
“We thank Gov. Evers, his staff and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes for their leadership and hard work in spearheading Executive Order #38. We are eager to work with state and local leaders to ensure that these bold targets are met with truly clean renewable energy. We also look forward to building on this victory by committing our state to 100 percent clean renewable energy in other sectors, including transportation.
“Whether it’s increasingly severe storms and floods, or dramatic changes to our lakes and agriculture, the impacts of climate change are not just future threats — they’re already here. Transitioning our state from fossil fuels to renewable energy will help Wisconsin lead the way to a cleaner, safer environment for generations to come.”
Wisconsin Environment is a statewide, membership-based environmental advocacy organization.