Recycling & compost

Nearly all of America’s trash could be composted and recycled. But we’ve got a lot of work to do to get there.

Most of us put our recyclables out for collection. But it’s going to take more than individual action to deal with our trash problem. Only 24% of our trash actually gets recycled, and only 9% gets composted. We can do better. Together we can share information, resources and push our leaders to build a better recycling and composting system. 

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California Governor signs landmark bill to tackle plastic pollution

Beyond plastic

California Governor signs landmark bill to tackle plastic pollution

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Gov. Gavin Newsom signed California’s landmark Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act (SB 54) on Thursday, following a vote this week in both the state Assembly and Senate. Introduced by Sen. Ben Allen of Santa Monica, this landmark anti-plastic pollution legislation mandates reductions in single-use foodware and packaging, requires single-use items to actually be recyclable or compostable by 2032 and holds plastic packaging producers financially responsible for cleaning up the waste their products create.

Media Releases  

Landmark plastic waste legislation advances out of committee

Beyond plastic

Landmark plastic waste legislation advances out of committee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California’s Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act (SB 54), introduced by Sen. Ben Allen of Santa Monica, passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on Tuesday with a 9-0-2 vote. This landmark anti-plastic pollution legislation mandates a first-in-the-nation reduction in single-use foodware and packaging, requires single-use items to actually be recyclable or compostable by 2032 and holds producers financially responsible for the plastic they generate.

Media Releases  

Statement: California Assembly approves bill to tackle wasteful plastic packaging from online shopping

Beyond plastic

Statement: California Assembly approves bill to tackle wasteful plastic packaging from online shopping

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -The California State Assembly passed legislation (AB 2026) with a 41-26 vote Thursday evening to reduce the unnecessary use of plastic packaging in online shopping. If approved by the California Senate and signed by the Governor, this would be a first in the nation law aimed at limiting single-use plastic waste generated from online shopping. 

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