Clean water

If we want a greener, healthier world we need to protect our rivers, lakes and streams.

Clean water is vital to ecosystems, to our health, and our quality of life. But too many of our rivers, lakes and streams are vulnerable to pollution. This pollution, along with outdated infrastructure – like lead pipes in our schools – puts our health at risk. We need to work together to protect our waters.

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Thousands urge EPA to protect waterways from pollution

Clean water

Thousands urge EPA to protect waterways from pollution

Nearly 30,000 people are urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to end the dumping of PFAS chemicals, and thousands more are telling the agency to dramatically reduce pollution from slaughterhouses. Environment America Research & Policy Center and U.S. PIRG Education Fund submitted comments from these individuals to the EPA Thursday as the agency considers updating pollution control standards, which is required by the Clean Water Act.  The groups are also calling on the EPA to strengthen standards for other industrial sources -- including power plants and refineries.

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An annual journey to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: the story of America’s largest Caribou herd

Clean air

An annual journey to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: the story of America’s largest Caribou herd

Every year, in late spring and early summer, the Porcupine caribou arrive on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Numbering between 120,000 and 200,000 animals, the Porcupine herd – so named for their birthing grounds along the Porcupine River – is the largest in North America. 

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