Less coal, more oil: Climate pollution trends by state
Greenhouse gas pollution decreased in 44 states from 2005 to 2022, and increased in six.
Greenhouse gas pollution decreased in 44 states from 2005 to 2022, and increased in six.
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Across America, thousands of facilities that store or move oil, toxic chemicals or coal ash are located near waterways. These facilities are accidents waiting to happen.
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Data shows leaders and laggards for total electric school buses and combined investments driving electric school bus conversion.
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Single-use plastic packaging is so common in our everyday lives that a future without it might seem a long way off. But examples of what that future might look like are already here.
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Does Amazon’s plastic packaging actually get recycled? We placed trackers in bundles of Amazon shipping materials, and put them in store drop bins to see where they ended up.
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Small-scale solar energy – most of which is installed on rooftops – is growing rapidly in the U.S., producing 10 times as much power in 2022 as a decade earlier.
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Well-designed single-use plastic bag bans have successfully reduced plastic bag use and associated litter and pollution. Use the Single-use Plastic Bag Ban Waste Reduction Calculator to estimate the impact where you live.
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Superfund cleanups protect communities and the environment from toxics, but lack of funding slowed progress. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law put Superfund back on track.
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