California arts and entertainment industry letter of support for SB 350 and SB 32

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Environment California

September 4, 2015

President Pro Tempore Kevin de León
State Capitol, Room 205
Sacramento, CA 95814        

Speaker Toni Atkins                                                                                   
State Capitol, Room 219        
Sacramento, CA 95814                                                                                     

Re:  SB 350 (De León) and SB 32 (Pavley) – SUPPORT

Dear Senators De León and Pavley:

We write as leaders in the California arts and entertainment industry to strongly support SB 350 (De León) and SB 32 (Pavley).  With July 2015 registering as the hottest month on record, ever, and new scientific evidence of California’s historic drought being made worse by climate chaos, fueling wildfires – the time to act is now.  SB 350 and SB 32 take California’s climate leadership to the next level, setting new targets, increasing renewable energy to 50 percent, cutting petroleum use in half, and doubling energy efficiency in buildings, all by 2030.

We all need to do our part to reduce our own carbon footprint.  California’s clean energy and climate programs have helped fuel our booming economy, now the 7th largest in the world.  Just in the past decade, more clean technology investment has poured into California than the rest of the country combined, and California now boasts the largest advanced energy industry in the country, with hundreds of thousands of Californians employed in the clean energy sector.  California is showing that combatting climate change and building a thriving economy go hand-in-hand.  And Californians are breathing better for it.

We count on you as our elected officials to make sure this good progress continues. Markets respond to signals, and businesses thrive on long-term certainty. Making it clear that California’s climate commitment is here to stay will continue to attract the investments, businesses, and jobs that will power our clean energy future.

We applaud your courageous leadership on fighting climate change and pledge to work with you and Governor Brown to build on California’s cutting edge programs to clean our air, reduce carbon pollution, build a robust clean energy economy, and take our climate leadership to the world stage. We respectfully request an “aye” vote on SB 32 and SB 350 when they come before you.  Thank you for doing the people’s work.  It’s so important.


Rosanna Arquette, Actor

Lance Bass, Musician

Ed Begley, Jr., Actor

Halle Berry, Actor

Steven Bochco, Producer, Writer

Hart Bochner

Jeff Bridges, Actor, Musician

Emmanuelle Chriqui, Actor

Dianna Cohen, Artist & CEO

Billy Crystal, Actor

Matt Damon, Actor

Rosario Dawson, Actor

Jane Fonda, Actor

Morgan Freeman, Actor

Adam Gardner, Musician, REVERB

Troy Garity, Actor

Billy Gerber, Producer

Jim Gianopulos, Chairman & CEO, Fox Filmed Entertainment

Howard Gordon, Executive Producer/Writer               

Taylor Hackford, Director

Alan Horn, Executive

Andy Keller, President,

ChicoBag Company

Rachel Kropa, Co-Executive, Director, CAAF

Rachelle Lafevre, Actor

Debbie Levin

Michael Lynton, CEO, Sony Entertainment

Wendie Malick, Actor

Mike Martin

Leanne Meyers, Actor

Helen Mirren, Actor

Moby, Singer/Songwriter

Jason Newman

Aimée Osbourne, Actor

Paul Reiser, Actor

Mark Ruffalo, Actor

Raphael Sbarge, Actor

Amy Smart & Carter Oosterhouse, Actors

Darby Stanchfield, Actor

Scottie Thompson, Actor

Paula Wagner, Producer

Dana Walden, Chair & CEO, Fox Television Group

Alice Waters, Chef

Barbara Williams, Actor

Paul Witt, Producer

Constance Zimmer, Actor