Go Solar

Testimony: Save rooftop solar for schools, farms and more

Clean Energy Advocate, Steven King, provided public comment in defense of rooftop solar incentives for multi-metered buildings at the November 16 CPUC meeting

Solar power

Bowen Wilder | Used by permission
Solar panels on Austin High School in Austin, Texas

“As highlighted by this week’s National Climate Assessment, the potential consequences of climate change to our environment, our economy, and our society are severe. From extreme heat to devastating wildfires, we know these disasters will only get worse if we don’t swiftly transition to clean energy.

The best way to dramatically reduce our climate pollution is to go all in on proven, ready-to-deploy solutions like rooftop solar. 

No Californian should be discouraged from going solar if they want to use their rooftop to generate clean, renewable energy and lower their electricity bills. Unfortunately, your proposed decision would eliminate the benefits of solar for buildings with multiple electric meters including schools, farms, and businesses. By not allowing multifamily building owners to use their own solar energy, the decision effectively bars many renters from the benefits of solar as well.

Every viable rooftop without solar panels represents a missed opportunity. We urge the Commission to alter its proposal and allow everyone to benefit from the solar power produced on their own rooftops. Thank you.”

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