Colorado should bring back the wolverine

A new bill would restore wolverines to Colorado habitats

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Sara Fraser
Sara Fraser

Former Campaign Associate, Environment Colorado

In the early 1900s the last wolverine was eradicated from Colorado. We now have a chance to bring back these native species. 

“The Restoration of Wolverines” bill, SB24-171, would reintroduce as many as one hundred to one hundred eighty wolverines back into the State of Colorado. This reintroduction of native species would greatly enhance biodiversity and dramatically help the north american wolverine population. 

Right now, there are only 250-300 wolverines left in the lower 48 states. These animals are at risk of forever disappearing from our lands. 

A long threatened species, the Colorado Department of Natural Resources has been working for the restoration of wolverines since 1998 and this bill culminates that long process. 

Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash " target="_blank">Vincent van Zalinge |

Although conflicts with livestock are rare, the bill also ensures that Colorado Parks and Wildlife commission must adopt rules for the compensation of harmed livestock. Wolverines usually eat small animals and other native prey, so this should not be a common occurrence. 

Colorado’s high elevation and rugged terrain is perfect for wolverine populations which require high elevations and deep snowpack. These solitary animals require large amounts of rugged land to live on. 

Our state is uniquely poised to provide a habitat for reintroduced wolverines. Our high elevations are critical in conservation because they are expected to resist effects of climate change more strongly than other places in North America.

In the first committee hearing one of the supporters of the bill, advocate John Singletary, said it is almost an obligation of our state to reintroduce wolverines because of the fitting habitat we have remaining to save them from species collapse. Let’s reintroduce this once native species back into our ecosystems. 

This bipartisan bill, SB24-171, could both save the declining wolverine species and improve the biodiversity of our state. The legislature should vote YES on this bill.


Sara Fraser

Former Campaign Associate, Environment Colorado