50 candidates endorse The Plan for Colorado’s New Energy Future
Environment Colorado
As of today, 50 candidates for state legislature have endorsed a comprehensive new energy plan for Colorado backed by a nonpartisan coalition of agricultural, labor, environmental, and business groups.
“The Coalition for Colorado’s New Energy Future is excited to have broad bipartisan support for our plan,“ said campaign chairman Mike Bowman, a farmer from Wray, Colorado. “I think Coloradans understand that creating a secure, affordable, and clean energy future is a priority that rises above partisan politics.”
The four point plan, entitled The Plan for Colorado’s New Energy Future, calls for Colorado to double the state’s use of renewable energy such as wind and solar power and double the use of renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. The plan also sets energy efficiency goals to reduce waste and save consumers money and advocates increasing investment in the research and development of new energy technologies.
Members of the Coalition for a New Energy Future emphasized that the goals of the plan are bold but achievable. “Colorado just may be the best place in the nation for renewable energy. Colorado has the potential to generate nearly 11 times as much energy as we currently use just from wind power alone,” said Lee Swenson, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Farmer’s Union.
“The candidates who have endorsed The Plan understand that it’s time we used our technological resources and natural advantages to reduce dependence on foreign oil, grow the economy, reduce people’s energy bills, and protect our environment,” added Bowman.
Will Coyne, Program Director of Environment Colorado added, “We are getting a great response from candidates. Urban or rural, liberal or conservative, candidates are telling us that creating a more secure energy future will be a goal of the next legislature.”
For a complete list of candidate endorsements visit: http://www.coloradoenergyfuture.org.
The Coalition for Colorado’s New Energy Future is an ad hoc alliance of agricultural, labor unions, and conservation groups working to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, reinvigorate our economy, create good new jobs, protect consumers, and protect our environment by investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency.