Conference Highlights Benefits Of Clean Energy In The West
Environment Colorado
As rising prices and security concerns dominate the energy debate, rural leaders want to make sure agriculture is part of the solution. The Intermountain Harvesting Energy Summit, scheduled for March 27-28th in Loveland, Colorado, will explore how renewable energy and energy efficiency can enhance farm income and revitalize rural communities.
The Summit will focus on establishing a series of statewide networks to promote agriculture driven forms of energy. The event also will mark the launch of the Intermountain Harvesting Energy Network, which will provide an ongoing forum for leaders in the region. It is hoped that the excitement generated from last year’s “Harvesting Energy Tour” throughout Colorado can be replicated in the neighboring states of Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. The Harvesting Energy Summit will bring together over 200 leaders from agriculture, business, finance, academia, government, and advocacy organizations.
“Utilization of America’s natural resources and waste materials provides our nation with new and innovative energy sources that can assist in increasing our national energy security,” said Thomas C. Dorr, USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development. USDA will be represented by Jack Gleason at the Summit.
Topics will include increasing the production of liquid fuels like ethanol and biodiesel, generating electricity by harnessing wind and solar, and turning crop residues and livestock waste into value added energy feedstocks.
“The timing could not be better. This country is facing serious energy challenges and agriculture has a lot to offer,” said Mike Bowman with the 25 x ‘25 Ag-Energy Working Group. 25 x ‘25 is advocating for agriculture to provide 25 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States by the year 2025.
When: March 27-28
Where: The Ranch, Larimer County Fairgrounds and Events Complex
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