Mark Udall Delivers Clean Energy, Jobs and Savings for Colorado
Environment Colorado
(Denver, CO) Mark Udall’s support for clean energy policies has measurable benefits for Coloradans and the rest of the nation according to an analysis by Environment Colorado.
In a web-based publication, Environment Colorado found that as a Congressman, Mark Udall’s votes will save Coloradans $410 million each year at the pump and make significant progress toward creating as many as 32,000 new “green jobs” in Colorado.
“Whether you are looking at jobs, energy, or consumer savings, Congressman Udall is bringing real progress to Colorado by supporting a clean energy economy,” said Pam Kiely, Legislative Program Director for Environment Colorado, adding “Colorado is a big winner when it comes to clean energy and we need leadership in Washington that understands that.”
The full report can be found here.
The main findings of the analysis are that Representative Udall has:
• Voted to increase gas mileage standards for cars, a move that will cut gasoline consumption by 130 million gallons a year in Colorado by 2020. This will save Colorado residents $410 million each year at the pump.
• Voted for strong energy efficiency standards for appliances, equipment and lighting that will save enough energy by 2020 to power 460,000 Colorado homes.
• Voted for producing more of our energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar power and for extending federal incentives for clean energy. These policies would expand upon the clean energy boom that has seen the construction of over 740 wind turbines in Colorado in the last five years alone.
• Voted to take away tax breaks from Big Oil and use that money to support a transition to a clean energy future. One recent study found that Colorado could create 32,000 good-paying green collar jobs through an aggressive federal investment in green energy infrastructure.
“Colorado is facing an energy and an economic crisis, continued Kiely. “Energy costs are rising. Pollution from fossil fuel use threatens our health and contributes to global warming. And America’s dependence on imported energy puts our economy and national security at risk.”
Coloradans have a clear choice this November in the election for U.S. Senate. Rep. Mark Udall has been a leader in embracing a new energy future for America – one in which we use energy wisely and get more of our energy from clean, homegrown renewable sources. His opponent, former Rep. Bob Schaffer, has pushed Big Oil’s agenda in Congress and worked to block clean energy solutions for America.
Environment Colorado has endorsed Representative Mark Udall for U.S. Senate. “For a clean energy future that will protect our environment and rejuvenate our economy, Coloradans should elect Mark Udall to the U.S. Senate,” said Kiely.
Rep. Udall has consistently earned top marks for his advocacy for clean energy and a clean environment. In 2008, Rep. Udall voted for clean energy and against Big Oil 100 percent of the time on votes scored by Environment Colorado.
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