Beyond plastic

Tell state legislators to vote no on this single-use plastic preemption bill

Plastic bag in the woods
Environment Florida | TPIN

Single-use plastic bags are wasteful, harmful to the environment and our health. Our native animals like sea turtles, fish, birds and marine mammals often mistake them for food. And they make up a large portion of the hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash that’s removed from our beaches, parks and waterways every year by clean up volunteers.

Florida lawmakers are considering a bill that would preempt local and state officials from regulating any single-use plastic containers. This bill would make it illegal to ban the single-use plastics that make up the majority of the litter collected during cleanups around our state.

On average, plastic bag bans can eliminate almost 300 single-use plastic bags per person, per year. Right now 12 states have bag bans which keep billions of plastic bags from ever reaching our environment or landfills.

Send a message to urge state legislators to oppose legislation that preempts local officials from reducing plastic pollution. We should give our communities a chance to reap the benefits of less pollution, reduced wildlife hazards, and better health.


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