Media Releases

Thousands urge EPA to protect waterways from pollution

Clean water

Thousands urge EPA to protect waterways from pollution

Nearly 30,000 people are urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to end the dumping of PFAS chemicals, and thousands more are telling the agency to dramatically reduce pollution from slaughterhouses. Environment America Research & Policy Center and U.S. PIRG Education Fund submitted comments from these individuals to the EPA Thursday as the agency considers updating pollution control standards, which is required by the Clean Water Act.  The groups are also calling on the EPA to strengthen standards for other industrial sources -- including power plants and refineries.

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Report examines America’s waste problem over past 3 years

Beyond plastic

Report examines America’s waste problem over past 3 years

Georgia--- Every year, the average American throws out nearly 1,800 pounds of trash. Together, Americans throw out enough plastic each year to fill up the Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T Stadium --- the largest NFL football stadium --- 565 times over. To make matters worse, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated a spiraling epidemic of waste, particularly when it comes to plastic.

Media Releases  

Clarkston becomes third municipality to phase out single use plastics in government buildings

Beyond plastic

Clarkston becomes third municipality to phase out single use plastics in government buildings

  City of Clarkston. — On Tuesday May 4th, Clarkston Council passed a resolution to end purchasing of single use plastics and polystyrene in City of Clarkston buildings. The resolution provides the City with one calendar year to phase out purchasing and use of single use plastics and polystyrene and transition to sustainable alternatives.Clarkston follows the lead of Fulton County and the City of Atlanta which have passed similar resolutions aimed at phasing out single use plastics. Under the new resolution, purchasing of single use plastics and polystyrene will be prohibited on all City of Clarkston property. 

Media Releases  

Clarkston becomes third municipality to phase out single use plastics in government buildings

Beyond plastic

Clarkston becomes third municipality to phase out single use plastics in government buildings

  City of Clarkston. — On Tuesday May 4th, Clarkston Council passed a resolution to end purchasing of single use plastics and polystyrene in City of Clarkston buildings. The resolution provides the City with one calendar year to phase out purchasing and use of single use plastics and polystyrene and transition to sustainable alternatives.Clarkston follows the lead of Fulton County and the City of Atlanta which have passed similar resolutions aimed at phasing out single use plastics. Under the new resolution, purchasing of single use plastics and polystyrene will be prohibited on all City of Clarkston property. 

Media Releases  

Report: Pricing carbon key to taking on climate change

Fossil fuel pollution

Report: Pricing carbon key to taking on climate change

BOSTON -- Last month, President Joe Biden released a massive infrastructure spending plan designed to build a cleaner and healthier America. This week, on Earth Day, the president is hosting world leaders for a global climate summit, and is discussing ways in which the U.S. will meet its goals under the Paris climate accords. According to a new report, putting a price on carbon can be key to the success of both. In Carbon Pricing 101: Strategies for putting a price on global warming pollution, U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Environment America Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group recommend that the federal government and U.S. states pursue carbon pricing programs, along with other policies, to cut pollution, as the best way to achieve the emissions reductions necessary to stave off the worst of global warming.

Media Releases  

New report shows Georgia has significant offshore wind potential

Clean energy

New report shows Georgia has significant offshore wind potential

Georgia could provide more than enough electricity to meet its 2019 electricity demand and over half of what it’s projected to use in 2050 with offshore wind, according to a new report released Thursday by Environment Georgia Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group. The report, Offshore Wind for America, examines U.S. offshore wind potential by both coastal region and by state, while documenting the status of existing projects and technological advances. Georgia could provide 112% of 2019 electricity usage with offshore wind alone.

Media Releases  

Georgia cities highlighted in new report on solar power progress

Clean energy

Georgia cities highlighted in new report on solar power progress

Atlanta, GA - Atlanta has doubled its solar capacity in the last five years and is climbing in the rankings while Athens trails New York City for solar per capita. Results come from the seventh edition of Shining Cities:The Top U.S. Cities for Solar, a new report released today by Environment Georgia Research & Policy Center. It is the most comprehensive survey available of installed solar capacity in major U.S. cities.

Media Releases  

Environment Georgia Calls for 100% Renewable Energy

Clean energy

Environment Georgia Calls for 100% Renewable Energy

Atlanta, Georgia -- 2019 closed with four Georgia cities committed to 100% clean energy and today Environment Georgia joined allies around the country in calling for broader efforts to reach state wide commitments to 100 percent clean renewable energy in Georgia and beyond.

Media Releases  

Renewable Energy 101 Highlights Clean Energy Leadership at Georgia Colleges

Clean energy

Renewable Energy 101 Highlights Clean Energy Leadership at Georgia Colleges

Atlanta, GA— Environment Georgia  released today “Renewable Energy 101”which details the ten major tools universities, local governments and the state could use to transition to 100% clean and renewable energy. The report presents examples from campuses across the state in categories such as recycling, energy efficiency, energy conservation, transportation and the implementation of renewable energies like geothermal and solar. 

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