
Reconnecting Nature

Wildlife & wild places

Reconnecting Nature

We need more nature. More nature means abundant wildlife in our world, from butterflies floating by to coyotes howling at night to whale tails breaching the surface just visible from shore.


Green Scissors

Clean energy

Green Scissors

Every year, the federal government spends billions of taxpayer dollars on wasteful and environmentally harmful programs that are polluting our air and water and driving the climate crisis. Green Scissors is the definitive guide to polluter welfare in the federal budget.


We Have the Power

Clean energy

We Have the Power

It is time for America to move beyond fossil fuels. Coal, oil and gas are responsible for a rapidly warming planet, for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. each year from air pollution, and for untold environmental damage. A shift to emission-free energy from the wind, sun and other renewable sources can solve many of America’s most pressing environmental and public health challenges.


Carbon Pricing 101

Global warming solutions

Carbon Pricing 101

Global warming is the existential challenge of our time, threatening lives, livelihoods and the future of the planet. To avoid the worst impacts and preserve a livable planet for future generations, we need to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Carbon pricing is a proven and effective way to help us meet that goal.


Electric Buildings

Energy efficiency

Electric Buildings

To prevent air and water pollution and avoid the worst impacts of global warming, America must move toward meeting our energy needs with 100% renewable energy. Getting there will require that we get the most out of every bit of energy we use – and that we stop burning fossil fuels in our homes and commercial buildings. 


October 2020 Letter to Whole Foods

Beyond plastic

October 2020 Letter to Whole Foods

Today, we face a plastic pollution crisis that threatens wildlife, wild places, and the health and wellbeing of our communities.  Whole Foods’ efforts to reduce its plastic footprint, which include recycling and lightweight plastic initiatives, must be expanded to remove single-use plastic items from its shelves.


March 2021 Coalition Letter to Whole Foods

Beyond plastic

March 2021 Coalition Letter to Whole Foods

On October 12th, 2020 a coalition of groups sent a letter urging Whole Foods to take bold action on reducing plastic waste. Now, an even larger number of groups are writing to reiterate the need for action and to demonstrate the breadth of support for Whole Foods to put Planet Over Plastic by eliminating all single-use plastic packaging from its stores.


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