Illinois among national leaders in rooftop solar growth
A new report ranks Illinois ninth in the nation for growth in small-scale solar power generation.

Illinois ranks ninth in the nation for growth in small-scale solar power generation in the past decade, according to a new report. The report, Rooftop solar on the rise, celebrates the dramatic growth of rooftop solar power over the last decade, illustrates how far we have yet to go to take full advantage of our solar energy potential, and recommends policies to keep rooftop solar rising. Check out the story in the Chicago Tribune.
In Illinois, rooftop solar has taken off over the past five years. Residential solar grew 2252% from 2017 through 2022. Over the same time period small-scale commercial solar grew 1871%. In total, small-scale solar in Illinois generated 1,247 GWh of electricity in 2022.
Illinois is already reaping benefits of rooftop solar. If we want a clean energy future, we should be deploying rooftop solar everywhere we can.

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