Ready, Set, Hike! Recapping Environment America’s Week of Action for 100% Renewable Energy
What do the Superbowl and a week of action have in common?

This blog was written by Environment America Clean Energy Intern Charlie Abrams
A couple of weeks ago, I embarked on my annual tradition of half-watching the Super Bowl and half-scarfing down an obscene amount of guacamole while being reminded of a tiresome phrase that seems to apply to many team sports situations: “Teamwork makes the dream work.” I don’t pretend to be very knowledgeable on American football, but after watching the Super Bowl year after year, I have learned one thing: Making it to the end zone requires well-thought-out coordination, collaboration and the dedication of all team members.
That lesson is valuable no matter your goal. Efforts to transition our communities to 100% clean or renewable electricity begin with conversations among neighbors growing grassroots support. Over time, these efforts pick up momentum and grow a large base of supporters from all backgrounds. With the help of citizen activists and allies across the country, we have successfully gotten nine states to commit to a future totally powered by renewable electricity. Now, we’re calling upon leaders in Texas, Colorado, Massachusetts and North Carolina, to name a few, to set similar targets and benchmarks to transition to renewable energy.
According to Environment America’s Renewables on the Rise 2021 report, renewable energy sources like solar and wind have grown at rapid rates. A swift transition to renewable energy sources means showing policymakers the plethora of benefits to solar, wind and geothermal power.
The morning after this year’s Super Bowl, Environment America launched our national week of action for 100% renewable energy, a coordinated effort to grow support for our vision of a 100% renewable energy in a dozen states across the country. This type of week of action surely rests on the phrase “teamwork makes the dream work.” During our week of action for 100%, our members, supporters, allies and partners tuned in each day to do something impactful and made their voices heard on 100% renewable energy in their community.
By posting on social media, submitting letters to the editor about the vision of 100% renewable energy and contacting their representatives across the country, everyone who participated helped to bring us closer to the end zone – a cleaner, healthier future powered by renewable energy.
Change doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, it occurs as researchers, advocates, members, activists and universities across America pave the path to 100% each and every day. Your teamwork is key to making the dream work.
That said, if you missed our week of action for 100%, don’t worry. It’s not too late to join the team. Check out our action dashboard and submit a letter to the editor, sign our petition and reach out to your representatives today.
Image credit: Mantis Design, via Shutterstock.