Beyond plastic

Design a Bag Contest: Vote for the Winning Design!

Spring has sprung in Baltimore, and we’re excited for another summer in Charm City filled with our city’s many street fests, walking our dogs or kids to the park, watching the fireworks from our porches, exercising in Patterson or Druid Hill Park, or dashing out from the office to grab lunch. But there’s one thing we can’t help but notice along the way: plastic bags. Stuck on a tree limb, sitting in a gutter or trampled on the sidewalk, abandoned plastic bags are everywhere in our city. They litter our streets, poison our water, and harm our wildlife, and we know we can’t recycle our way out of this problem. 

That’s why we’re thrilled that the Baltimore City Council officially passed a bag ban for our city. The ban was signed by Mayor Young this past winter and will take effect January 2021. All single-use plastic bags less than 4 mils thick will be banned in the city and paper bags will cost 5 cents. 

This ban is the right move for our city and for our environment, but we also want Baltimoreans to have the resources they need to shift to a culture of reuse. That’s why Environment Maryland has teamed up with the Baltimore Office of Sustainability and Blue Water Baltimore to design and distribute thousands of reusable bags to Baltimore citizens.

Here’s where you come in! We received some fantastic entries for our bag design contest, and we need your help to pick the best one. The winning design will be printed on sturdy, reusable bags that we will then distribute around the city so that Baltimore is ready to kick our plastic habit!

Voting begins this Friday, May 1st and will end on Monday, June 1st. Go check out our Facebook page on Friday to see the designs, and vote by “liking” your favorite!


Kate Breimann
