Ben Hellerstein
Former State Director, Environment Massachusetts
Former State Director, Environment Massachusetts
Environment Massachusetts
Boston – Today, Environment Massachusetts highlighted eight Massachusetts leaders profiled in a national project as leading voices for clean energy. The initiative, Voices for 100% Renewable Energy, is an online album with photos, testimonials and videos featuring a wide array of individuals — from academics, to mayors and other public officials, to community leaders, to business and non-profit leaders — embracing a rapid transition to clean energy.
Massachusetts leaders featured in the in the project include Senator Ed Markey; Vikram Aggarwal, CEO and Founder of EnergySage; and Leslie Samuelrich, President of Green Century Capital Management.
“We’re inspired by these leaders who know we can, and must, shift to 100 percent renewable energy,” said Ben Hellerstein, State Director for Environment Massachusetts. “We’re thrilled to share some of their stories through this project. Our hope is that it will motivate the many people who know we need a swift, steady and complete transition from dirty to clean energy to lean into the effort.”
The people featured in the project cited a range of environmental, economic, equity, social, and health benefits from the transition to 100 percent renewable energy. Most focused on the urgent need to eliminate climate-altering carbon pollution. Others simply believe that it’s common sense and good economics to save energy and to harness unlimited, pollution-free energy sources.
“Despite President Trump signing executive orders that amount to a declaration of war on America’s clean energy future and our climate leadership, it is no longer a question of if we can power our country with 100 percent renewable energy; it’s a question of when,” said Senator Ed Markey in a statement posted on the project website. “There is a clean energy revolution happening and it is a revolution that will not be stopped by President Trump.”
“For years, we’ve been told that pollution from dirty fuels was the price we had to pay for progress,” said Hellerstein. “Those days are over. Now, we can forge ahead, inspired by the growing numbers of people like those profiled in the Voices for 100% Renewable Energy project who know that 100 percent renewable energy is as feasible as it is necessary.”
To view Voices for 100% Renewable Energy, visit
Environment Massachusetts is the statewide, citizen-funded advocacy group working for a cleaner, greener, healthier future.