Renewed interest in uranium mining threatens waterways and wildlife
Uranium mining and milling in the West poses serious threats to wildlife and communities — from water pollution and radioactive dust to the risk of accidents during transport.
Uranium mining and milling in the West poses serious threats to wildlife and communities — from water pollution and radioactive dust to the risk of accidents during transport.
Massachusetts, Nevada, and Hawaii are developing energy storage. Here’s why that is so important.
Coal mining harms our lands, waters, and wildlife even before burning contributes to coal air pollution and climate change
Native to Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, a subspecies of the silverspot butterfly listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act
Plastic Bag Bans Work, a new report released Thursday by U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Environment America Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group, estimates that, on average, plastic bag bans similar to those studied can eliminate almost 300 single-use plastic bags per person, per year.