North Carolina takes big step towards offshore wind

Media Releases

Environment North Carolina

Raleigh, NC – The US Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released a Call for Information and Nominations yesterday for 3 lease locations in the federal waters off the North Carolina coast.  

“This bring North Carolina one crucial step closer towards becoming a national leader in terms of wind power,” said David Rogers, Field Director for Environment North Carolina.

The purpose of the “Call” is to gauge interest in acquiring commercial wind leases in one or all of the designated areas along the Outer Continental Shelf. After this step BOEM would decide whether or not to issue leases that would allow for the construction of wind farms to begin.

While other states like Virginia and New Jersey have taken this step, the North Carolina announcement represents the largest call for information to date, as the Call Areas total 1,441 square miles. In fact, this more than doubles the area potentially available for wind development, since the three North Carolina areas are larger than the combined totals of all the other states that have taken this step.

“North Carolina has the most potential for offshore wind of any Atlantic state.  It’s time to turn that potential into a reality, and become a leader in the clean energy economy.  Wind power can create thousands of jobs in a way that doesn’t put our environment at risk,” said Rogers.

There will now be a 45 day public comment period.  People can submit their comments at: – !documentDetail;D=BOEM_FRDOC_0001-0170

The advancement in offshore wind development has been a priority for both the Obama Administration and Governor Purdue. 

The press release from BOEM can be found at: