New Study: Global temperatures rising faster than ever
Environment Ohio Research & Policy Center
Columbus, OH—Global temperatures are rising at a faster rate than at any time in the last 11,000 years, according to a new study published today in the science journal Nature. This report builds on numerous other studies that have made it clear that global warming is real, it is already starting to have devastating effects on our communities, and those effects will only grow worse unless we cut emissions of the carbon pollution fueling global warming.
Julian Boggs, Policy Advocate with Environment Ohio issued the following statement in response:
“This report confirms what many Ohioans have been seeing with their own eyes: global warming is very real and it is changing our environment in many ways.
“Now we need to build on this research with action. We have the solutions to global warming, but our elected officials must do more to implement them. At the federal level, we are counting on President Obama to keep his inaugural address pledge to tackle global warming, by setting limits on carbon pollution from power plants and rejecting the dirty Keystone XL pipeline. At the state level, we must expand our commitment to renewable energy, and aggressively implement all cost-effective opportunities for energy efficiency. Doing so will help fulfill our obligation to our children and future generations to address this problem.”