Act on Climate: By the Numbers

Environment Oregon intern Marc Dorsey makes the case for strong action on climate, sooner rather than later

Marc Dorsey

Starting next week, the Oregon legislature will be considering Senate Bill 1507 and House Bill 4001, collectively known as “Clean Energy Jobs,” that would put a hard limit on pollution in Oregon, forcing emissions down over time. The Clean Energy Jobs Bill would also make polluters pay, providing funding for programs that will help Oregon reduce and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Here’s why that’s important:

Days since President Donald Trump announced US withdrawal from Paris Climate Accords: 242

Days since US Climate Alliance formed to follow the Accords despite federal inaction: 242

Days since Oregon joined the Alliance: 242

Average Oregon statewide temperature in 1970: About 46.4 ̊F        

Average Oregon statewide temperature in 2015: About 48.4 ̊F

Days in Oregon’s fire season in the 1970s: 23

Days in Oregon’s fire season in the 2000s: 116

Percentage increase of annual area projected to be burned in the 21st century compared to the 20th century, accounting for fire suppression: 140%

Percentage increase in annual emissions of hazardous, fine particulate matter, PM2.5, from wildfires by midcentury under a moderate emissions pathway: 160%

Average decrease in the water contained in mountain snowpack for 1955-2015 throughout Oregon: 37%

Projected decrease by 2050: 30%

Historical extent of summer droughts in the Pacific Northwest: 15%

Projected extent of summer droughts for both high and low emissions pathways by 2050: 50%

Projected increase in heat-attributable premature deaths in three Oregon cities by 2050 in comparison to 1990, not accounting for population growth or adaptations: 102-153

Population estimate for Oregon as of 2017: 4,142,776

Forecasted population for Oregon in 2050: 5,588,500

Days until Oregon’s Clean Energy Jobs Bill can be introduced in Oregon’s short legislative session: 7

Days in Oregon’s short legislative session: 35

It’s time to make your voice heard and show your legislators that Oregonians want a plan to address the causes and consequences of climate change and safeguard not only our environment, but the wellbeing of future generations.



  1. OCCRI Third Oregon Climate Assessment Report (2017).
  2. Temperatures from: NOAA National Centers for Environmental information, Climate at a Glance: U.S. Time Series, published January 2018, retrieved on January 23, 2018 from  
  3. Oregon’s long-term population forecast for 2010-2050.
  4. US Census Bureau Oregon quick facts page.


Marc Dorsey