Take Action

More rooftop solar, less red tape
In many communities, it can take days, weeks or even months to get a straightforward rooftop solar installation approved. It doesn't need to be this way.

Right to Repair

Composting & Recycling

Wildlife Over Waste

Make Polluters Pay

Ban Toxic Pesticides

Litigation Project

The Clean Water Network

Protecting Our Waters


Regional Climate Action

Fossil Fuel Free

Energy Conservation & Efficiency

Go Big On Offshore Wind

100% Renewable

Go Solar

Protect Our Oceans

Protect Our Public Lands

Save America’s Wildlife

Preserve Our Forests
Safe Energy
More You Can Do

Tell your U.S. senators: Hold polluters responsible for the contamination of farmland with PFAS-tainted fertilizer

Exploring for berries and mushrooms, listening for birdsong, and rinsing my hands in cold clear forest streams are experiences I can only get in ancient forests, where logging and most other human development aren't evident.Chandra LeGue, Oregon Wild

Chandra LeGue, Oregon Wild
Grassroots climate groups like mine, 350 Eugene, understand that forest defense is climate defense, and we're fierce.Patty Hine, 350 Eugene

Patty Hine, 350 Eugene
“As we are increasingly confronted with the twin threats of climate change and the biodiversity crisis, defending mature and old-growth forests is more important than ever. These trees provide critical habitat for wildlife, keep water clean and cold, are resilient to wildfire, and are at the core of cultural values.”Jeremy Austin, Central Oregon LandWatch

Jeremy Austin, Central Oregon LandWatch
I want there to be a lobbying voice in Salem whose sole goal is the preservation of Oregon's environment. While Environment Oregon surely is outspent by corporate interests, I believe they punch above their weight because our legislators recognize that Environment Oregon represents the views of the many voters who value and wish to preserve Oregon's natural beauty.Pete Tucker, Environment Oregon member

Environment Oregon is a critical voice in Salem
I'm happy to support Environment Oregon's climate-related public education and advocacy work because it is rooted in science, locally focused, and effectively leveraged by coordination with a network of similar organizations across the US.Jon Fink, Environment Oregon member