Ten things to know about the Klamath dam removal
The dams came down. What does it mean for salmon and other wildlife?
Our country’s lakes, rivers and streams give life to ecosystems and people alike from coast to coast. Now it’s time we protect them as the life-giving resources they are.
The dams came down. What does it mean for salmon and other wildlife?
Oregon rivers are important for wildlife, drinking water and recreation. More of them need permanent protection.
The Antiquities Act has played a crucial role in protecting many of America's most treasured landscapes. We take it for granted at our peril.
Here are 10 examples of how our advocates won positive results for the public and the planet in 2023.
The legislation from Sen. Manchin would have weakened environmental protections under NEPA.
This week, for the first time, Washington Gov. Inslee and Sen. Murray outlined a clear path for breaching the dams on the Lower Snake River, getting us one step closer to saving salmon and orcas.