Corvallis City Council votes to support local solar energy

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Environment Oregon

Corvallis, OR – Last night, the Corvallis City Council voted to provide $100,000 in low-interest loans to Seeds for the Sol, a local organization that helps people afford the upfront cost of installing solar panels. Since its inception, Seeds for the Sol has provided help to 45 households in going solar. Loans provided by City Council to the organization will help support and estimated 25-30 new roof-top solar systems.

Environment Oregon Clean Energy Advocate, Charlie Fisher, issued the following statement:

“With the consequences of climate change already being felt in Oregon, it’s more clear than ever that we need to urgently switch to clean energy like wind and solar. That’s why this decision by the Corvallis City Council is such an important step. Supporting Seeds for the Sol will mean more clean energy in Corvallis and less energy coming from dirty sources like coal and gas. Local action like this across the state can provide a model for what a truly clean energy future looks like.”

Julie Williams, the President of Seeds for the Sol issued the following statement:

“I am so impressed with the thoughtfulness and deliberation of the City Council. As the President of Seeds for the Sol, we are absolutely humbled by the trust and support of this financial support from the City of Corvallis. The loan of $100,000 will help Corvallis residents purchase 100 kW of solar energy with 100% of the investment plus interest returned to the City of Corvallis by July 2017. Our goal is to build a community action against climate instability that allows for participation at all income levels. This step will help us get there.”