Channing Jones
Environment Rhode Island
Groups will engage nearly 10 million members, supporters and activists to make the Clean Air Promise
Washington, D.C. – Today, sixteen leading public health, advocacy and environmental organizations released the following statement announcing their support for the Clean Air Promise campaign and their intention to mobilize nearly 10 million members, supporters and activists to participate in the campaign launched by the League of Women Voters on July 26:
“This summer, we are setting a clear goal: protect children and their families from dangerous air pollution. We believe that every child has the right to be born and grow up without suffering from the devastating effects that toxic and other dangerous air pollutants cause and worsen such as respiratory disease, higher cancer risks and learning and developmental disorders. And we believe every family has the right to expect and enjoy clean air, free of the elevated heart and lung disease risks that air pollution poses.
“We urge all Americans to join us as we and our millions of members, supporters, and activists around the simple concept of protecting children and families from dangerous air pollution by supporting the Clean Air Promise campaign.
“The Clean Air Promise campaign is simple: it is an opportunity for policymakers, CEOs, organizations and individuals to make a promise that will make a difference to millions of children and families. Over the next several months, in every community in every state, millions of Americans will ask policymakers, CEOs, organizations and individuals to make the Clean Air Promise.”
The Clean Air Promise is: “I promise to protect America’s children and families from dangerous air pollution. Because toxics and pollutants such as mercury, smog, carbon, and soot, cause thousands of hospital visits, asthma attacks, and even deaths. I will support clean air policies and other protections that scientists and public health experts have recommended to the EPA to safeguard our air quality.”
The EPA estimated that clean air standards saved more than 160,000 lives in 2010 alone, including the lives of 230 infants. Scientists estimated that in 2020 alone, the clean air policies will save 230,000 lives – including the lives of 280 infants – if the EPA’s plans for reducing further pollution are implemented.
The organizations listed below are dedicating staff and financial resources to the Clean Air Promise campaign in all 50 states and will engage almost 10 million members, supporters and activists on multiple platforms. The Clean Air Promise campaign will be the central organizing effort to fight the big polluters and their agenda to roll back, delay or block clean air public health standards that will reduce air pollution and have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives and prevented countless asthma attacks, heart attacks, premature deaths and other pollution related illnesses.
The Clean Air Promise campaign was launched by the League of Women Voters and the following groups on July 26. To learn more about the Clean Air Promise, visit
Environmental Defense Fund
US Climate Action Network
National Wildlife Federation
Environment America
Center for American Progress Action Fund
Natural Resources Defense Council
Sierra Club
League of Conservation Voters
Energy Action Coalition
Healthcare Without Harm
Union of Concerned Scientists
Green for All
Voces Verdes
National Hispanic Environmental Council
National Audubon Society