Statement: Clean Water Rule’s repeal opens Texas waterways to increased pollution

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Anna Farrell-Sherman

Environment Texas

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to repeal the Clean Water Rule today, revoking the landmark 2015 environmental protections. The Clean Water Rule had that reestablished protections to drinking water sources on which 11.5 million Texans rely. The rule had the backing of more than 1,000 scientific studies, and was supported by comments from more than 34,000 Texans. 

Anna Farrell-Sherman, Environment Texas Clean Water Associate, issued the following statement:

“By repealing the Clean Water Rule, this administration is opening up Texas waterways, from the Colorado and Trinity Rivers to Galveston Bay, to a flood of pollution. The EPA is abdicating its mission to protect our environment and our health. It is unconscionable that we’re jeopardizing the drinking water of one in three Americans — not to mention damaging the waters where we swim and fish and that wildlife calls home.

“This repeal will not go unchallenged. We are confident that this unprecedented rollback of the Clean Water Act will be struck down by the courts.

“Common sense dictates that we must protect smaller streams in order to preserve the larger rivers they feed. Without federal safeguards, it’s a cascade effect with pollution threatening the entire system that gives us our clean water.

“None of us want to return to the days when contaminated rivers burst into flames. Rolling back environmental laws to make that kind of pollution legal again is reckless and shortsighted.”


Environment Texas is a non-profit advocate for clean air, clean water and open spaces.