Environment Washington Unveils Campaign Targeting 100 Percent Statewide Clean Electricity for Washington State

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Part of Nine state campaign for 100 percent clean energy

Environment Washington

Olympia – Environment Washington announced a major initiative today to convince state leaders to commit to 100 percent clean, renewable electricity. Environment Washington’s efforts are part of Environment America’s broader 100% Renewable campaign to boost clean energy bills in at least nine states: Washington, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, and New Mexico.

“Washington State has both the capacity and will to be a nationwide leader on 100 percent clean, renewable energy,” said Bruce Speight, Environment Washington Executive Director. “With other states and scores of cities and corporations committing to cleaner, healthier futures for our kids and our planet, Washington State has an obligation to take a strong, clear position.”

This campaign comes following the key role Environment California, a sister organization to Environment Washington, played in convincing the Golden State to commit to 100 percent clean electricity generation by 2045. Now, other states are poised to emulate the renewable energy pioneers: California and Hawaii.

Environment Washington is pushing a bill that would eliminate coal on the grid by 2025, require all utilities to have a resource mix that is 80 percent clean by 2030, and ensure all electricity in Washington state is carbon-free. Gov. Jay Inslee requested the bill, and its prime sponsors are state Sen. Reuven Carlyle in the Senate and state Rep. Gael Tarleton in the House.

“Considering the level of climate chaos already unleashed at 1°C warming, from ravaging wildfires to devastating storms, we must move as rapidly as possible to reduce emissions,” said Speight. “What we do in the next few years, not in 20 years, is what matters. That’s why strong short-term targets are critical to making this bill meaningful. At the very least, we need to ensure that the provisions to eliminate coal on the grid by 2025 and to require utilities to be 80% percent clean by 2030 remain in the bill, and if anything, that they are strengthened not weakened.”

The renewable revolution isn’t only happening at the state level. Growing awareness of the environmental impacts of our energy use, coupled with rapid advances in technology and declining costs, has made renewable energy the “go-to” option for many communities and businesses. One hundred U.S. cities, led by a mix of Republican and Democratic mayors, have pledged to transition their power sources to 100 percent renewable energy. In addition, 131 major companies, including Bank of America, Walmart and Anheuser-Busch, have pledged to power their entire operations with renewable energy.

“Renewable energy technologies are gaining momentum because they’re pollution-free — which means they’re healthier for both us and the earth,” said Rob Sargent, Environment America’s Clean Energy Program Director. “It should be a no-brainer for other states to follow Hawaii and California’s lead. But we have to convince states to act as soon as possible.”

The following additional states are playing key roles promoting 100 percent clean energy bills in their respective states. They are available for interviews to help you tell the collective story of clean energy action:

Ben Hellerstein, (617) 747-4368, [email protected], is the director of Environment Massachusetts. This session, Ben and allies are supporting “An Act transitioning Massachusetts to 100 percent renewable energy.” The bill sets goals for 100 percent clean electricity by 2035, and 100 percent clean energy throughout the state’s economy by 2045.

New Jersey
Doug O’Malley, (917) 449-6812, [email protected], is the director of Environment New Jersey. Environment New Jersey is working to formalize 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 as a part of the state Energy Master Plan. This comes as Gov. Phil Murphy embraces a broader clean energy goal of transitioning away from fossil fuel technology.

David Masur, (267) 303-8292, [email protected], is the executive director of PennEnvironment. Both the Pennsylvania House and Senate are reintroducing legislation this session to transition the state to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050. Republican state Sen. Thomas Killion is the lead sponsor on the Senate version. It will be the second straight session that a Senate Republican will be a key leader on a bill focused on renewable energy.

North Carolina
Drew Ball, (336) 978-9699, [email protected], is the director of Environment North Carolina. Environment North Carolina is supporting a resolution sponsored by state Rep. Pricey Harrison that calls for 100 percent renewable energy by 2050. This effort was also introduced during the legislature’s last full session.

Nathan Murphy, (517) 303-8692, [email protected], is the director of Environment Michigan. Nathan is working with state Rep. Yousef Rabhi, who plans to reintroduce his House Bill 6466 from last session, which would set a goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050.

Abe Scarr, 312-983-2789, [email protected] is the director of Illinois PIRG. New Gov. J.B. Pritzker committed to 100 percent renewable electricity during his campaign. Illinois PIRG and its sister group Environment Illinois are members of a statewide coalition that will introduce 100 percent renewable electricity legislation as part of a broad collection of clean energy and carbon emission reduction policies.

Tim Schaefer, (414) 687-7632, [email protected], is the director of Environment Minnesota. Environment Minnesota is advocating for a bill that will require 100 percent renewable energy by 2030 in Minnesota and a statewide moratorium on oil and gas pipelines, gas plants, and any other new fossil fuel infrastructure.

New Mexico
Sanders Moore, (505) 254-4819, [email protected], is the director of Environment New Mexico. Environment New Mexico is leading a diverse statewide coalition in support of 50 percent renewable electricity by 2030 and 80 percent by 2040. Both goals are touted by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. This is seen as a first step in getting New Mexico onto the path to 100 percent renewable energy.