The bald eagle is America’s national bird
Always a symbol of America, the bald eagle is officially our national bird. And it's doing well, thanks to conservation efforts.
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Environment America has one mission: to protect the natural world.
Always a symbol of America, the bald eagle is officially our national bird. And it's doing well, thanks to conservation efforts.
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[This is] our fault and that's why we need to do everything possible to try to recover [Chinook]. And so when we’re talking about what are the fastest ways to recover chinook salmon. A big one is removing dams, removing dams that are blocking passageways up to natal rivers, up to high elevations and cold water habitats. As we remove dams we’re literally removing barriers for these fish to get back to where they’re trying to get.Dr. Deborah Giles, Science and Research Director with Wild Orca
The loss of any species is devastating no matter what it is, but losing salmon would be—for the entire ecosystem—unfathomable. It feels very urgent and real and like it could happen tomorrow.Blaire Englebrecht, Policy and Boating Programs Manager, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
I encourage everyone to care for our environment because every aspect of our lives depends upon it, and we are the ones responsible for its care and preservation.Theresa Gallant, Member, Environment Washington
I support Environment Washington because the climate emergency is the most important issue we’re faced with, and it’s quite clear that the world is going to be uninhabitable if we continue with all our practices that contribute to climate change.Cal Kinnear, Member, Environment Washington
It is now apparent that we need to take significant action in the next few years if we are to have any chance of avoiding the really significant impacts of a changing climate.Bruce Parker, Member, Environment America