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Environment Washington Research & Policy Center

Pam Clough

Advocate, Environment Washington Research & Policy Center


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Washington State will build new homes with heat pumps to cut energy costs and climate pollution, protect health

Clean air

Washington State will build new homes with heat pumps to cut energy costs and climate pollution, protect health

The Washington State Building Code Council (SBCC) voted today to adopt new statewide residential building codes that will drive the transition to safe and healthy homes that run on low-cost, 100% clean electricity instead of methane gas.

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Logging mature and old trees threatens U.S. climate goals


Logging mature and old trees threatens U.S. climate goals

 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Thursday signed a memorandum to clarify the U.S. Forest Service’s direction on climate policy. The memo, "Climate Resilience and Carbon Stewardship of America's National Forests and Grasslands," follows a recent White House executive order highlighting the importance of conserving mature and old-growth forests on federal lands as a climate solution. The memo, which lays out “actions to restore forests, improve resilience, and address the climate crisis”, falls short in meeting the ambition outlined in President Joe Biden’s order on old forests and trees. Secretary Vilsack acknowledges the role that older trees play in absorbing and storing carbon and supporting biodiversity. But he fails to outline a plan for his agency to protect mature and old-growth forests and trees from commercial logging. 

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