Media Releases

Report: Pricing carbon key to taking on climate change

Fossil fuel pollution

Report: Pricing carbon key to taking on climate change

BOSTON -- Last month, President Joe Biden released a massive infrastructure spending plan designed to build a cleaner and healthier America. This week, on Earth Day, the president is hosting world leaders for a global climate summit, and is discussing ways in which the U.S. will meet its goals under the Paris climate accords. According to a new report, putting a price on carbon can be key to the success of both. In Carbon Pricing 101: Strategies for putting a price on global warming pollution, U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Environment America Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group recommend that the federal government and U.S. states pursue carbon pricing programs, along with other policies, to cut pollution, as the best way to achieve the emissions reductions necessary to stave off the worst of global warming.

Media Releases  

New report: Washington could meet entire electricity demand with offshore wind


New report: Washington could meet entire electricity demand with offshore wind

Seattle- Washington ranks 11th among 29 coastal states for its potential to meet its 2050 electricity usage in a scenario of maximal electrification of buildings, transportation and industry, findings revealed in a new report released Thursday by Environment Washington Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group. The report, Offshore Wind for America, examines U.S. offshore wind potential by both coastal region and by state, while documenting the status of existing projects and technological advances. Washington could provide 105% of projected 2050 energy demand with offshore wind alone. For projections of 2050 electricity demand, the report assumes that U.S. buildings, industry and transportation will all be powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels by mid-century.

Media Releases  

New report: 108 million Americans live in areas that experienced at least 100 days of polluted air in 2018

New report: 108 million Americans live in areas that experienced at least 100 days of polluted air in 2018

One-third of all Americans live in areas that suffered through at least 100 days of poor air quality due to air pollution in 2018, according to a new report by Environment America Research & Policy Center, Frontier Group and U.S. PIRG Education Fund.

Media Releases  

102 groups urge EPA to rein in meat and poultry processing plant pollution

102 groups urge EPA to rein in meat and poultry processing plant pollution

Environment America Research & Policy Center is submitting comments on behalf of 102 organizations today, urging the Environmental Protection Agency to dramatically reduce the massive levels of pollution dumped by agribusiness facilities into America’s waterways. The comments are in response to the agency’s decision not to update permit standards for meat and poultry plants -- despite the Clean Water Act’s requirement to do so.

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