Mandy Apa
Environment Washington
SEATTLE – Environment Washington launched a new online project Wednesday called Voices for Orcas, which shares the stories of activists, tribal leaders, business owners, engineers and scientists who are fighting to save the orcas. The need for salmon and orca recovery has never been higher as there are only 73 Southern Resident orcas left and Chinook salmon populations, their primary food source, have dropped by 90% since the lower Snake River dams were built.
“When you consider the participants in this project includes people from Washington, Oregon and Idaho and features voices from the world of government, advocacy and science, it’s clear just how much momentum exists to save Southern Resident orcas and the salmon that share their waters,” said Environment Washington’s Conservation Associate Mandy Apa. “Their stories included on the website are inspiring and show the depth and length of commitment toward recovering orcas and salmon.”
Voices for Orcas features a range of diverse voices from impassioned citizens and researchers to a Congresswoman and tribal members. The project’s goal is to show stakeholders and elected officials just how important this issue is for a wide variety of communities in the Pacific Northwest. Orca and salmon are keystone species that contribute to the overall ecological balance of the Salish Sea and surrounding areas. Their survival is of paramount importance to not just each other, but all those who call the region.
“We simply can’t overstate how crucial our Southern Resident orca and salmon populations are to the Pacific Northwest’s environment, culture and economy,” said Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. “But climate change threatens their continued survival if we don’t act now. It’s not too late to make the bold and necessary changes we need to save our planet. I’ll keep fighting to pass legislation that preserves our environment and restores and protects our orca and salmon populations.”
Environment Washington launched Voices for Orcas in the hopes that it will inspire other Washingtonians to learn more about salmon and orca recovery and take action before the Pacific Northwest loses two keystone species.
Environment Washington is a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization working for a cleaner, greener, healthier future.