REPORT: Analysis finds bag bans effective at reducing plastic waste, litter

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Seattle, WA – On Earth Day, many Washingtonians wonder what they can do to take care of our planet, and what impact simple actions can make, like bringing your own shopping bag to the store. A report, Plastic Bag Bans Work, released Thursday by WashPIRG, Environment Washington Research & Policy Center, and Frontier Group, estimates that on average, plastic bag bans can eliminate almost 300 single-use plastic bags per person, per year.

Recently enacted carryhome thin plastic bag bans across the United States, including Washington’s 2020 reusable bag law, have proven that people can still shop without plastic bags – and benefit their communities by doing so. The bans studied in the report have not only reduced the units of plastic bags used, but they have also reduced plastic bag litter by one-third or more and encouraged the use of more sustainable options. 

“The bottom line is that plastic bag bans work,” said WashPIRG Organizer Kathryn Horvath. “People realize quickly it’s easy to live without plastic bags and get used to bringing a bag from home or skipping a bag when they can. That means less waste and less litter. For the next generation to inherit a less polluted earth, that’s exactly what we need.”

The report analyzed studies from across the country and found that bans in just five locations (with a combined population of more than 12 million people) have cut single-use plastic carryhome bag consumption by about 6 billion bags per year – or enough to circle the earth 42 times. 

As of 2021, more than 500 cities and towns across 28 states had a plastic bag ordinance in effect. Today, twelve states – California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington – have some form of statewide ban on single-use plastic bags.

However, the plastics industry has figured out a way to continue producing and selling wasteful plastic bags in many of the places that have passed a ban. The report found that in some places, including here in Washington, a loophole allows businesses to replace thin plastic bags with thicker, allegedly “reusable,” ones at checkout for a fee. However, many people only use these thicker bags once, too, before throwing them away. Because of this, in some jurisdictions with bans, the weight of plastic bag waste has increased even though the number of plastic bags distributed has declined. 

“The last thing we want is for state policies to increase the amount of plastic that is used in Washington. It’s time to eliminate unnecessary plastic use from products we don’t need.” said Pam Clough, Advocate with Environment Washington. “The Washington legislature should close the thick bag loophole to make our bag ban as effective as possible.”

The report’s authors identified policies to make future plastic bag bans as effective as possible. Recommendations include not allowing plastic film bags of any thickness at checkout, charging a fee of at least 10 cents for single-use paper bags and ensuring proper enforcement. 

Washington’s current bag ban charges an 8 cent fee on paper bags and thick plastic bags offered in stores, though the current statute will increase the fee on even thicker plastic bags to 12 cents in 2026.

“Nothing we use for just a few minutes should pollute the environment for centuries,” said Clough. “We’re happy that Washington has banned this wasteful product and is helping to reduce plastic waste, cut down on litter and build a cleaner, greener future for everyone.”

To see what environmental impact a plastic bag ban would have on your local community, head to our “Single-use plastic bag ban waste reduction calculator” tool and input your city or state.
