President Obama Highlights Renewable Energy as a Bright Spot in Wisconsin’s Economy
Wisconsin Environment
MADISON: President Obama travels to Manitowoc on Wednesday to visit Orion Energy Systems as part of his Main Street tour. Ahead of the visit, Orion announced that they expect to increase their operating revenue by 54% in the third quarter compared to the same time period last year.
“It’s great to see President Obama highlighting a Wisconsin company that is leading the charge in the clean energy industry ,” said Scott Thompson, clean energy associate for Wisconsin Environment. “Orion Energy Systems is a great example of how renewable energy technologies are creating jobs right here in Wisconsin, while reducing our dependence on foreign oil and cutting our global warming pollution.”
The President’s visit comes just as California-based solar energy company, W Solar Group, is finalizing plans for its move to Wisconsin. Reports on Tuesday pointed to Eau Claire or Wausau as possible locations for their headquarters and the creation of an estimated 600 jobs.
This information comes on the heels of a recent report from Wisconsin Environment and The Solar Foundation that showed Wisconsin as fifth in the nation in solar industry jobs.
“Wisconsin’s solar industry has been expanding and creating jobs during the recession – Orion and W Solar are great examples of that.” Thompson said. “As Governor Walker focuses on growing Wisconsin’s economy, he should take advantage of the shining opportunities the solar industry brings to Wisconsin’s economy and environment.”
Wisconsin Environment is a state-based, citizen-funded environmental group working for clean air, clean water and open space