U.S. Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Region | Public Domain


Donate today to become a forest defender

Right now, logging is tearing down our oldest trees. Will you donate to our 2024 Fiscal Year-End Drive to help save our forests?


Working together for clean air, clean water, clean energy, wildlife, open spaces and a livable climate.

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Save America’s Oldest Forests


Save America’s Oldest Forests

Our mature and old-growth forests are a natural treasure worth protecting but many of them are threatened by logging.


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What You Can Do
We must speak for the trees—and the whole living tapestry woven around them. Ed Chadd, Olympic Climate Action
Exploring for berries and mushrooms, listening for birdsong, and rinsing my hands in cold clear forest streams are experiences I can only get in ancient forests, where logging and most other human development aren't evident. Chandra LeGue, Oregon Wild
If there was ever a time to speak for the trees, it is now. Our mature and old growth forests are begging for us to not look away. Whitney Hamblin, Kentucky Heartwood
For millennia, ancient forests have watched over us and sustained us. Can we do the same for them? Will Harlan, Center for Biological Diversity
"So when it comes to clean water, the first line of defense starts with mature and old growth forests. Preserving old growth trees coincides with improving water quality." Victoria Frankeny, Tualatin Riverkeepers

staff | TPIN

Donate today to become a forest defender

Right now, logging is tearing down our oldest trees. Will you donate to our Fiscal Year-End Drive to help save our forests?
