Empowering communities to prevent fracking

From October 3rd to October 5th Stop the Frack Attack will be hosting a convention in Denver, Colorado to bring together community leaders and technical experts who are fighting fracking. This will serve as an important opportunity for communities to exchange strategies and improve their ability to fight dirty drilling. 

Michael Carter

The fracking industry is big, powerful, and dirty. Fracking has contaminated groundwater, polluted the air, and caused earthquakes across the country, yet the industry has no plans of stopping.

Given the industry’s financial resources and political sway, the fight to stop fracking can be an uphill battle, but communities across the country have proven that it’s far from impossible. 

In Colorado, voters have passed fracking bans and moratoriums in Boulder, Broomfield, Fort Collins, Lafayette, and Longmont. 

Activists saw a major victory in Pennsylvania when the Governor declared public lands off limits to future fracking.

And in New York, the unprecedented decision to ban fracking statewide would not have been possible without the joint outcry from countless activists, the medical community, local leaders, and environmentalists. 

The lessons learned from victories in communities across the country are vital to future progress in the fracking fight. That’s why activists and organizations from across the country are coming together for the national Stop the Frack Attack Summit in Denver, Colorado

For every community that succeeds in its fight, there is another that is fighting to protect its environment and the health of its residents from dirty drilling. The summit will help these communities come together to share success stories, discuss challenges, and adapt tools they can use in their own fights.

As fracking operations expand to new places, more and more people are speaking out against this harmful practice. Our health, environment, and communities are in jeopardy and people across the country are taking action. Many communities have been fighting this battle for years, and we can make a difference by learning from their experiences, building new connections, and sharing effective strategies and tactics.

Coming together allows communities to amplify their power and increase the number of victories in every state. That’s why a unified effort to stop fracking is essential.

And it’s why you should join us in Denver from October 3rd to October 5th for the National Stop the Frack Attack Summit. It will be a chance for communities to connect with a vast network of resources including technical experts and anti-fracking leaders from across the country.

Stop the Frack Attack, Environment America, and hundreds of other allies and citizen activists from all over will come together for one weekend to learn what it takes to protect the health of our environment and our families from this dirty and destructive practice.

Register for the event here and help us stop the frack attack!


Michael Carter