Do you know what this weekend is?

This summer solstice is almost here! To celebrate the longest day of the year, we wanted to share the reasons we love solar. Be sure take the Twitter solstice challenge and tweet out your favorite! 

It’s the summer solstice on Sunday! The day where we get more sunshine than any other.

At Environment America, our favorite thing about the sun is that it has the capacity to power our entire planet every minute that it shines – and there are a lot of minutes of sunshine this weekend!

Here are seven more reasons why we think solar is awesome! (Be sure to tweet your favorite!) 

1.Solar is pollution-free! We can reduce air, water, and climate altering carbon pollution by capturing the power of the sun.

2. It promotes healthy neighborhoods! Solar helps reduce the impacts of harmful air contamination by fossil fuels: especially among young children and the elderly.

3. It promotes vibrant communities! Community solar provides a way for people to join together to access the benefits of the sun.

4. Solar can save you money! Because solar is local and has no fuel costs, it can help lower costs for all electric customers – whether you have solar or not.

5. It works everywhere! Even cloudier regions of the US are great for current solar technology. For example: New Jersey has more solar than sunny New Mexico. 

6. It helps local economies! Solar is currently the fastest growing industry in the nation. It creates good jobs in our community that cannot be outsourced. 

7. People love it! Solar is America’s top choice in virtually every poll. With the nation so divided on many issues, it’s nice to see something that most of us agree on. 
The time of solar is here and it’s getting easier to #PutSolarOnIt  by the day. Be sure to spread to word about why you love getting energy from the sun!
Happy Summer Solstice!

P.S. Want to do more? Sign here to stand up for pro-solar policies in your state!