Shady Characters Are Blocking the Sun

Charles and David Koch, along with their dirty energy allies, are doing everything they can to block the sun and stop progress towards a solar energy future. 

Charles and David Koch are using their influence to wage war on solar and other clean energy options.

Americans love solar energy.   It’s virtually unlimited, pollution-free and has no fuel costs.  So, it’s no wonder that it is emerging as the “people’s choice” – with 79% of Americans believing we need to do more to help solar succeed. [1]

Yet the dirty energy lobby is working to sway decision makers into adopting policies that will stall the growth of renewable energy.  These opponents say they care about consumers and jobs, but we know that they are just protecting their narrow interests at our expense. [2]

Charles and David Koch were recently recognized as two of Time Magazine’s top 100 most influential people. Unfortunately, they are using that influence to wage war on solar and other clean energy options.

Koch-funded groups – including Americans for Prosperity and the America Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) – are taking this anti-solar show on the road. They and their utility allies see solar as a threat to their profits and the status quo. So, they are lobbying to squash the rooftop solar revolution and limit our access to renewable energy.[3]

An LA Times report put the spotlight on the Koch Brothers and their utility allies campaign in Arizona when they invested millions into pushing state regulators to impose a monthly fee of $50 to $100 on solar customers. [4]

For men claiming to support the free market, they aren’t giving solar much of a chance. Solar is currently one of the fastest growing job sources in the United States – 20 times faster than the rest of the economy. Clearly, it is good for our communities, economically and environmentally.

Solar is currently one of the fastest growing job sources in the United States – 20 times faster than the rest of the economy.

At the same time some utilities, such as Duke Energy, are touting their investments in solar, while working hard to block access for everyone else. Their claims that rooftop solar is too expensive ignore the tremendous benefits that onsite solar provides for all electric customers.  The truth is, they want to stop the rooftop solar revolution all the while reaping the solar benefits themselves. [5]

In order to reduce pollution and preserve our environment, we must move toward getting all of our energy from clean renewable sources. That starts with protecting and defending the programs that have led to a 200 times increase in solar since 2008.

Solar opponents – like the Koch Brothers – need to hear from us. But, we also know that expressing our disgust with their attacks on solar, will not stop them stop them from bankrolling campaigns against clean energy, while working with others to keep us hooked on dirty fossil fuels.  

By joining forces we can stand up for the renewable energies of the future, and not turn back to the dirty fossil fuels of the past. Together, we can continue our shift to a 100% renewable world.  

Stand up for clean energy here! 

[1] Gallup Poll
[2] Washington Post, Utilities Sensing Threat
[3] New York Times, Koch Attack on Solar Energy
[4] LA Times, Koch brothers, big utilities attack solar, green energy policies
[5] Fox Charolotte, Duke Energy’s Investment on Solar Is Not Enough