House Passes “Oil Above All” Energy Package

Environment America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 4480, a package of bills that seek to open millions of acres of public lands to drilling, deepen our dependence on oil, create gaping holes in the Clean Air Act, and severely limit the scope of citizen participation in federal decisions regarding public lands. Environment America stands with the environmental community in opposing House Leadership’s relentless pursuit of an “oil above all” energy policy.

Environment America’s Preservation Advocate Nancy Pyne issued the following statement in response to this disappointing vote:

“H.R. 4480 is the 112th Congress’ latest give-way to Big Oil. House Leadership seems to stop at nothing to give the oil industry free reign to trash our treasured lands and deepen our dependence on dirty fuels. Not only does this bill open up even more of our public lands and coasts to drilling, allow pristine areas of Alaska to be plundered, and stifle public participation, but it also takes aim at the Clean Air Act—a law that has saved millions of lives by creating scientific, health-based standards for air quality. We are deeply disappointed with the 248 Representatives who yet again turned their backs on the environment and public health and voted for this bill.”