Environment America Announces Online Tracking of Congressional Votes

At a time when Congress is undertaking an all out assault on our environment and public health protections it is more important than ever that the public understands who are the real champions and who are the natural disasters when it comes to environmental protection.

At a time when Congress is undertaking an all out assault on our environment and public health protections it is more important than ever that the public understands who are the real champions and who are the natural disasters when it comes to environmental protection.

We have a lot of both and the newly announced Environment America online scorecard will help the public understand figure out who is green and who is not. 

The new online tool allows you to look at votes in multiple sessions of Congress to look at lifetime scores, to research specific votes and to compare voting records within a state’s Congressional Delegation, look at biographical information including major PAC contributors, how to contact their office and who their key staff are.

From answering the question of ‘how green is my representative’ to fully understanding what legislation Members of Congress have voted on or where they stand in relation to their delegation, our new online tool provides answers.  This is a tool that can be used by the concerned citizen or the student writing a paper.

Unlike previous Environment America scorecards that we release annually, the online tool will be updated as votes in the Congress happen, creating an up to date resource for what Congress is doing on the key issues of clean air, clean water and open spaces.  As soon as Congress votes on one of the key pieces of legislation we are tracking we will post an explanation of the vote and update our tool to show how each Member of Congress voted.

We have 80 votes tracked right now, including more than 50 from the current session of Congress.

The scorecard can be found at www.environmentamerica.org/scorecard
