Reducing Military Oil Consumption Will Protect America

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Nathan Willcox

Environment America

Washington, D.C. – Representative Giffords and Senator Udall have proposed the Udall-Giffords Security Act, a bill to encourage the military to reduce their dependence on foreign oil through generating increased alternative energy, investing in electric and hybrid vehicles, strengthening renewable energy programs and smart grid technologies, and increasing fuel efficiency standards for military vehicles.

Environment America Policy Analyst Daniel Gatti issued this statement in response: 

“This bill is an important step in the right direction for the U.S. military. Moving to cleaner and renewable sources of energy in the military will save Americans money, prevent environmental degradation, protect our country, and save the lives of American soldiers abroad.  

“Between the rising price of gasoline, the instability in the Middle East, and the increasing environmental costs of oil consumption, the United States needs to get off oil.  This need is especially clear for our military, as oil dependence is both a strategic liability and a major cause of international conflict.  Our consumption of oil also produces more global warming pollution than any other energy source.  Impacts of unchecked global warming have been identified as a key threat multiplier by the Department of Defense.  

“This bill moves America toward becoming the world leader in the technologies of tomorrow, which will eventually come to individual consumers and businesses, making our energy and our vehicles cleaner and more cost-effective.”

“We applaud the leadership and public service of Representative Giffords and Senator Udall, as well as the members of the United States Armed Forces who are working hard today to build a stronger, safer America through clean, renewable energy.”