Biking, walking & transit
To protect clean air and our environment, we’re working to build a country where people can get around without relying on polluting cars.
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State progress cutting transportation-related carbon emissions
An Electric Vehicle Toolkit for Local Governments
Green Scissors
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Electric buses may be coming to a city near you
With air pollution plaguing much of America this summer, communities are embracing clean buses
Statement: House passes landmark water and transportation bill to restore and enhance U.S. infrastructure
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a legislative package on Thursday that would improve water infrastructure, protect drinking water, and repair and expand our transportation system. The package combined several bills, including the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2021 and the AQUA Act, under the umbrella of the INVEST in America Act.
House panel advances fix-it-first, carbon-conscious approach to transportation
In a bipartisan vote, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee advanced the “Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act” early Thursday morning. As part of that “new vision,” in a departure from past transportation bills, it emphasizes fixing existing infrastructure before building new highways.