Tesla Announces a Game Changing Breakthrough for Energy in America
Solar has been growing at astonishing pace in the last few years, with hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses now powered by the sun. Because the sun does not shine 24/7, naysayers argue that we have limited ability to capture its unlimited and pollution-free energy. That’s about to change.

Solar has been growing at astonishing pace in the last few years, with hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses now powered by the sun. Because the sun does not shine 24/7, naysayers argue that we have limited ability to capture its unlimited and pollution-free energy. That’s about to change.
Last week Tesla unveiled a way to amend that when it announced the commercial availability of its Powerwall battery, which is capable of storing solar energy for when it is needed. Tesla’s new battery is but one of many new technologies that can quickly shift our energy use from fossil fuels and other risky options to pollution-free energy choices like solar, wind and geothermal. This and technologies on the near horizon will accelerate progress on clean energy.
Buoyed by strong public support, declining costs and the commitment and leadership of local officials and the Obama Administration, solar energy’s future is already bright. With “ready to go” energy storage options, it’s much easier for us all to imagine an energy system run entirely with pollution-free energy.
Pollution from fossil fuels is fouling our water, harming our health and altering our climate; we must make this transition in the next couple decades. Meeting all of our energy needs with pollution-free energy – like solar and wind – is as feasible and desirable as it is necessary. But, incumbent energy interests of coal, oil, gas and utilities are intent on blocking or stalling progress. We need to demand that our local, state and national leaders step up and support policies that move us forward.
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