What kind of planet protector are you?

If you are on this website it’s probably because you share our love of the natural world.

Whether you enjoy spending time outside hiking, or playing in the park with your family or friends, take the time to fix a broken bike or phone to keep it out of the trash, or pass along the latest news on clean energy or recycling tips to your friends. Doing something to protect the natural world is  a part of who you are. It comes — pun intended — naturally.

This Earth Day we have the opportunity — lots of opportunities — to show our love of the natural world, and to become protectors  of the planet. What kind are you?

Are you a nature nurturer and who will help create more habitat for wildlife? 

Are you a clean energy champion, who wants to build a greener future? 

Are you a defender of our planet’s oldest and most vulnerable inhabitants? 

Or are you a protector of our planet’s smallest and most at risk? 


Are you with us? Environment America works year-round to bring together people who care about the environment to call for the changes we need. Join us, and together, step by step, we’ll make the world we share a cleaner, greener, healthier one.

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