Environment California Calls on Governor Brown to Follow Governor Cuomo and Ban Fracking in California.

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Environment California

Sacramento – Last week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo became the first Governor in the country to ban fracking. The decision came after an intensive review by the New York State Department of Health, which concluded that fracking is bad for the environment and dangerous for people who live near fracking facilities. The report cites potential environmental impacts and health hazards as reasons for the ban. The research includes recent findings from multiple studies conducted across the country. Based on that knowledge and the new evidence that continues to come in on fracking, Environment California is calling on Governor Brown to stop fracking in California.

“New York’s report identified seven major findings, any one of which would be reason enough to ban fracking,” said Dan Jacobson, State Director for Environment California. “All seven findings are a clear call to Governor Brown to ban fracking in California.”

According to the report some of the environmental impacts and health outcomes potentially associated with fracking are:

  • Air pollution impacts that could affect respiratory health due to increased levels of particulate matter, diesel exhaust, or volatile organic chemicals.
  • Climate change impacts from methane and other volatile organic chemicals released to the atmosphere.
  • Drinking water impacts from underground migration of methane and/or fracking chemicals associated with faulty well construction.
  • Surface spills potentially resulting in soil and water contamination.
  • Surface water contamination resulting from inadequate wastewater treatment.
  • Earthquakes induced during fracturing.
  • Community impacts associated with boom-town economic effects such as increased vehicle traffic, road damage, noise, odor complaints, increased demand for housing and medical care, and stress.

A copy of the report can be found here


Environment California is a state-based, citizen-funded, environmental advocacy organization working toward a cleaner, greener, healthier future